Ramakrishna Mission


In-service Teacher Training Programme

RUSA 2.0 (Component 8) sponsored In-service Teacher Training Programme (ISTTP) Reports: 2022-23




Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira is a College of teacher Education (CTE) as per the National Policy, and have been arranging In-service Teacher Training Programmes (ISTTP) for Secondary and Higher Secondary school teachers since 2006.

Here is a brief account of the National vision and policy for a College of Teacher Education (CTE):

Prior to the formulation of NPE (1986), teacher education institutions in the country presented a mixed scenario. Some institutions had spectacular achievements. Some institutions used to present innovative ideas, methods and practices. Some institutions used to follow the norms rigorously. Some institutions had structural shortcomings. Some institutions were successful in keeping pace with latest developments in teacher education processes. Some institutions used to follow the outdated curriculum.

The period from 1980 to 1986 witnessed an enormous increase in the number of substandard training institutions managed by private organizations. A large number of such colleges could not follow the norms prescribed by the Government and Universities. A large number of such colleges had inadequate facilities — human, physical and academic. Thus there was an urgent need to develop national norms for teacher education institutions.

Teacher education institutions were largely confined to pre-service training. Such institutions had no provisions for in-service teacher education programmes. The NPE (1986) envisages regular in-service education of all teachers. Systematic programmes of in-service education of teachers will require additional facilities — human and material.

The support provided to University Department of Education and the SCERT to such institutions was insufficient. There was no effective linkage between the SCERT and the teacher education institutions. There was also no linkage between Secondary Training Schools and Training Colleges.

So far as the new thrusts introduced in secondary education are concerned, teacher training institutions failed to equip teachers to meet the new challenges of secondary education curriculum.

Establishment of CTE

Considering thenew thrusts in the contents and processes of secondary education, the importance of teacher education programmes to equip teachers of secondary schools to face new challenges and perform their functions effectively and thenecessity of establishing linkage between teacher education at the elementary level and teacher education at the secondary level, the NPE (1986) has given paramount importance to a complete reorganization of the system of teacher education. This necessitated the following action plans:

  1. Abolition of sub-standard TE institutions.
  2. Up gradation of some selected TE institutions.

In the year 1987 Government of India in the Ministry of Human Resource Department (Department of Education) sponsored a Scheme of Strengthening and Reorganization of Teacher Education, lite centrally sponsored scheme proposed to select during the VII plan period about 250 teacher education institutions of an adequate standard and good reputation for up gradation purposes. Out of these 250 TE institutions at the secondary level (Training Colleges) 200 institutions were upgraded to the status of College of Teacher Education (CTE). It was also proposed to upgrade some other institutions to the status of CTE in a phased manner.

New Strategies for Quality Improvement

In order that the CTE will perform its functions effectively the following steps have been taken by State Governments with financial assistance from the center:

  1. Provision of additional infrastructure facilities by way of construction of new buildings for the college and the hostel;
  2. Provision of additional inputs by appointing qualified Lecturers, Readers and Professors;
  3. Provision of material support like laboratory equipment, computer and other teaching aids;
  4. Improvement of the pre-service teacher education programme by improving the curriculum;
  5. Encouraging research and innovation;
  6. Providing financial assistance for conducting in-service education programme;
  7. Abolishing all substandard teacher training colleges which were managed by private organizations;
  8. Deputing the college staff for participating in training/ orientation programmes on various aspects of teacher education;
  9. Regular monitoring and evaluation.

Role of CTE
The CTE has to:
  1. Organize Pre-service teacher education course (B.Ed.) for preparation of secondary school teachers.
  2. Organize subject-oriented and theme-specific in-service teacher education programmes for secondary school teachers
  3. Such programmes may be of one week duration to 4 weeks duration.
  4. Provide extension and resource support to secondary schools, school complexes and individual teachers.
  5. Conduct experimentation and innovation in school education.
  6. Provide training and resource support for the new areas of educational concerns such as value oriented education, work experience, environmental education, population education, educational technology, computer literacy, vocationalization and science education.
  7. Provide support to professional bodies.
  8. Encourage community participation in teacher preparation programmes.
  9. Shoulder academic responsibilities in areas.

ISTTP at Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira

In-Service Teacher Training Programme(ISTTP) in the college held for five years. The years are respectively:

* 2006-2007
* 2007-2008
* 2008-2009
* 2010-2011
* 2011-2012

Year Wise Summary

1.      Year - 2006-2007:  11 school subjects
Programme Duration of the programme Participants attended the programme
Value Education
Life Science
Physical Science
Environmental Awareness
2 days for each subject
2.      Year - 2007-2008: 12 school subjects
Programme Duration of the programme Participants attended the programme
Value Education and Educational Administration
Life Science
Physical Science
Environmental Awareness
72 days [6 days for each subject]

3.      Year - 2008-2009:12 school subjects
Programme Duration of the programme Participants attended the programme
Value Education and Educational Administration
Life Science
Physical Science
Environmental Awareness
72 days [6 days for each subject]
4.      Year - 2010-2011:12 school subjects
Programme Duration of the programme Participants attended the programme
Value Education and Educational Administration
Life Science
Physical Science
Environmental Awareness
72 days [6 days for each subject]

5.      Year - 2011-2012:12 school subjects
Programme held for Duration of the programme Participants attended the programme
Value Education and Educational Administration
Life Science
Physical Science
Environmental Awareness
72 days [6 days for each subject]

Modules Developed for the Training of the Teachers and Teacher-Trainees:
Proceedings of the CTE programmes
CTE publications by the faculties                 
Digital Module developed 03
Publication on Value Education in Joint Collaboration with Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math.
A.    Parents and Teachers in Value Education
II.                SanmargDarshi (For Class VII)
III.             VijnanSarathi (For Class VIII)
IV.             AtmaBikash (For Class IX)
V.                Subho’s Adventure (For age group 14-16 years)     
VI.             Arunoday (For age group 14-16 years)
                                                          Total                =                 69


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