Ramakrishna Mission


General Information :

As the Sikshanamandira is a residential institution, its hostel plays an important part in its training Programme. The college and the hostel form a single unit, though both function autonomously. Therefore, it goes without saying that the trainees should abide by not only the rules and discipline of the College, but also those of the hostel.

Discipline in day-to-day life helps to bring forth one’s latent potential in a systematic manner. Not only that, it promotes healthy relation between the teachers, the taught and the management, and teachers the trainees to live a healthy community life, thereby making them imbibe a spirit of service and mutual co-operation, which is essential in the pursuit of knowledge.

1) The Hostel Superintendent looks the conduct and discipline of the trainees. He will report any breach of discipline to the Principal.

2) Trainees have to join the hostel on the day of new session begins. Each boarder will be supplied with a bedstead and a table. Boarders must bring their own bedding (including Prospectus 2014-15 R. K. M. Sikshanamandira [13] bed sheet, bedcover, table-cloth and mosquito curtain).

3) The allotment of seats will be made by the Hostel Superintendent.

4) Medical care is available to the trainees in the hostel itself.

5) Rules are subject to additions and alterations.

General Rules:

1) Every trainee is expected to adhere to the daily routine of study, work and prayer.
2) They should take active part in co-curricular activities.
3) Regularity and punctuality are expected in their day to day activities.
4) They will have to manage their personal work by themselves.
5) Any meeting or assembly in the Hostel premises will require the formal approval of the Superintendent.
6) Trainees should scrupulously avoid any kind of political activity in the campus.

Attendance and Leave :

1) Attendance in the morning and evening prayer is compulsory,
2) Trainees should attend prayer in dhoti and chaddar.
3) All are expected to be neatly dressed while in the prayer hall, and maintain its sanctity.
4) Absenting oneself from the class while being present in the hostel without specific permission from the Principal will be considered a serious irregularity.
5) It is absolutely necessary for every trainee to be present on the first day of the new session and on the re-opening day of the college after a vacation.
6) All intended absence, short or long should be recorded clearly in the Leave Register with Superintendent, including the address of the trainee during the leave period.
7) A trainee has to get verbal permission of the Superintendent to go outside the campus for a period exceeding two hours. All leave permission should be sought during the period fixed by him. Absence after dusk is not allowed, unless specially permitted.
8) No trainee is permitted to remain in the Hostel during vacation.
9) A formal application to the Principal through the Superintendent should be made for any absence from an examination. Such absence without prior permission of the Principal is not allowed. Prospectus 2014-15 R. K. M. Sikshanamandira [14]
10) Attendance in prayer, community work, lectures, tutorial, teaching practice and demonstration classed etc. is compulsory. Absence without permission will result in stringent disciplinary measures.
11) Trainees must participate in all cultural and religious functions arranged under the guidance of the Superintendent.

Residence Rules :

1) Allotment of rooms and seats are made at the discretion of the Superintendent. Seats must at the discretion of the Superintendent. Seats must not be changed or furniture removed or changed without the permission of the Superintendent.
2) Trainees must keep their rooms neat and tidy and their belongings decently arranged. They are to wash their own utensils after each meal and tiffin.
3) The inmates of a room are collectively held responsible for all fittings and furniture in their respective rooms. Any damage other than wear and tear will be chargeable to inmates collectively.
4) When the inmates leave the room they should switch off the lights.
5) Latrines and urinals are to be flushed every time after use.

a) Indoor games are allowed only in the College Games Room. They must not be played in the Hostel.

b) Playing cards or any games involving gambling etc. are strictly prohibited.

7) Newspapers, periodicals etc. should not be brought outside the Reading Room.
8) Silence must be maintained in the Reading Room.
9) One must not light candles or any kind of lamp in his room except when the electricity is not available.
10) Trainees are not allowed to use radios and tape-recorders.
11) Trainees should put on dhoti or pants. Lungis or pyajamas should be avoided outside one’s own room. No clothing should be dried on the Hostel windows.
12) Trainees must observe strict discipline and silence during study hour and prayer.
13) Trainees are not permitted to use either the College or the Hostel telephones. There is an arrangement for receiving incoming calls for the trainees and this fact should be intimated by them to the callers. Prospectus 2014-15 R. K. M. Sikshanamandira [15]
14) Nails or screws or hooks should not be fixed in the walls of the Hostel building, as this would damage the walls.
15) Nobody can claim to stay in the Hostel as a matter of right after the end of the session i.e. July 1 to June 30. Permission to any ex-student to stay in the Hostel during the examination period after the session, will be given entirely at the discretion of the Hostel Managing Committee.
16) On occasion of celebrations trainees shall wear Dhoti (White), Punjabi (White) and Chaddar (White).

Mess Rules :

1) Two trainees from each wing according to roll number will form the Food Committee every month and the Food Monitors will be elected by them to look after mess arrangements. The Superintendent will be the ex-officio Chairman of the Food Committee, which prepares in advance a day-to-day menu and this, should not be changed except under special circumstances.
2) Food charges are to be equally shared by the boarders.
3) Complaint against the kitchen or Hostel staff should be made to the Superintendent and in no case they are to be dealt by the trainees themselves. The kitchen staff will not to take orders from the trainees to run errands etc.
4) No special diet to be arranged, unless prescribed by the medical officer/doctor in consultation with the Superintendent.
5) Eating is allowed only in the dining hall. No meal or tiffin shall be served or brought into the rooms except when one is bedridden.
6) The time of meal and tiffin will be communicated by the ringing of bells. All boarders must come in time. Meals or tiffin cannot be provided to the late comers.

Medical facilities :

1) Trainees will get free medical advice from the qualified doctor of the Hostel. They are to pay for medicines.
2) Trainees suffering from infectious or contagious disease are not allowed to stay in the Hostel. Prospectus 2014-15 R. K. M. Sikshanamandira [16]

Visitors :

1) No visitors should be taken inside the room at any time.
2) Friends, acquaintances or guests of the trainees will in no case be entertained in the Hostel.
3) Visitors may be received in the Visitors’ Room during specific hours fixed by the Superintendent.
4) No vendors or sales man are allowed to enter the Hostel.
5) Trainees are hereby informed that the College Office will not receive on their behalf any of their personal remittances in this regard.

Disciplinary Action Regarding Violations of Rules :

Violation of these rules will be taken serious notice of and will result in disciplinary measures up to, and not excluding, expulsion from the hostel and the college.


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